Need help? Call us on 0333 577 9600

eBay Business
Low on stock space?
Overstock Pains
Are you running a growing eBay business but finding it hard to store all your stock at home?
Or had a good deal from a supplier to want to hold additional stock?
Consider using self storage to ease your business growing pains and free up space at your home or office to work.
Simple Upsizing / Downsizing
We offer simple storage unit transfers meaning you can up and downsize within our storage centre without having to cancel and sign new contracts.
Our aim is to make your time with us as seamless as possible.
Flexible Storage Options
At Guardian Self Store we offer a range of service to aid online sellers:
No long term lease commitments
No obligations​
Fork-lifting service available
We will unload your deliveries for you​
Free use of pallet trucks & trolleys​
Drive up loading bay
Easy access at all times​
High Security
CCTV, smoke alarms, intruder alarms, individually alarmed units​, palisade fencing, electric gates and access control.
No business rates
Using us for storage means no utility costs and lower overheads. ​
For more information please call on of the team on 0333 577 9600.