Need help? Call us on 0333 577 9600

Business Storage
Maximise Operational Space
Commercial Storage Solutions
Stock Storage
Do you want to ensure you have space to store additional stock if your suppliers are offering better terms? Or do you need space to sort your goods if you operate a seasonal business with fluctuating demand.
Inventory Service
Want us to keep tabs on your stock levels for you? No problem, enquire today about our commercial inventory service. ​
Deliveries - Signed For
Make sure you never miss crucial delivery with ‘our signed’ for service. One of our team will sign for your good and we will keep them secure until you are ready to collect.
Tools / Tradesman Storage
Keep those expensive tools safe is a secure storage unit, not in the back of your van where you are a potential target from criminals.​
Material Storage
Do you bulk purchase materials to obtain discounts. Make sure they can be stored securely to avoid damage. ​
Warehouse / Pallet Storage
As well as our self storage centre, next door we also have purpose build warehousing for pallet / commercial storage, using high level racking for long or short term storage.
Office Space
Any business should always maximise expensive office space.
Using our storage centre gives you a cost effective alternative for storing those items you need - but not all the time!
- Company Records
- Desks
- Cabinets
- Chairs
- Carpet
- Lighting
- Floor Tiles
- PC Screens / Monitors
Our Storage Business Services
All of our secure storage units are individually alarmed and protected via access control and our CCTV system. We operate a secure and gated site with electronic gate control and entry only accessible via your unique access code. These security features are all offered at no extra cost.
Long Term Storage
If you need long term storage then we have discounts available, if you speak to one of the team they will be able to offer you a personalised quotation based upon your business needs.
Flexible Contracts
All of our storage units are on rolling monthly contracts, we know that sometimes your requirements will change. Our aim is to work with you to find the right storage solution to fit your business needs.
For more information on business storage please call one of the team on 0333 577 9600.